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Caring for Your Dog’s Paws

August 1 2024

Does your dog know any cute paw tricks, such as the Shake or High Five? Does Fido occasionally place his furry foot on your leg to seek attention or to respectfully request pets, walks, or treats? Fido’s adorable furry feet have become his unofficial symbol. Paw prints are frequently utilized to indicate that specific things or pieces of art are for or about dogs. Those paws are actually essential for your cute pet’s health and well-being. This article includes advice from a local Pasadena, TX veterinarian on how to care for your dog’s paws.

Should I Clean My Dog’s Paws After Every Walk?

It’s a good idea to clean out dog’s feet after a stroll. In the summer, this can help with dust and pollen removal. That will be extremely beneficial if your pet has allergies. It also just helps remove substances from Fido’s paw pads. Dogs can get unpleasant burns and abrasions from salt, sand, and chemical de-icers throughout the winter. 

Keep pet wipes or clean rags, as well as a spray bottle of water, near the door for convenient access. Teach your pet that he will receive a snack for allowing you to wipe his feet.

If your canine buddy is a good boy, you may even be able to teach him to wash his own paws! This will be simplest if you have a bath mat or thick doormat near the door through which you and Fido enter and exit. Remember to give your dog a reward. Consult your Pasadena, TX veterinarian for training advice.

If feasible, use pet-friendly de-icing treatments; they are gentler on your pet’s feet.

Should I Moisturize My Dog’s Paws?

Yes! Keeping Fido’s lovely little toe beans moisturized will help avoid cracking and chafing. It can also aid by creating a barrier between your dog’s skin and hot or rough surfaces.

You’ll want to apply paw balm or paw wax. There are many suitable ones available. Or just make your own! The AKC website includes the following recipe:


  • Two tablespoons of olive, sunflower, or sweet almond oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • 1 tablespoon shea butter
  • 4 tbsp beeswax

Melt the oil, shea butter, and beeswax. In a small saucepan or double boiler set to low heat. Stir constantly until everything is melted and well combined. Then, transfer the mixture to little tubes or tins. Allow to cool until hard, then label. This is also a fantastic present for Fido’s friends, but you should note the ingredients in case any of the dogs or their owners have allergies.

However, you do not need to go all out. In an emergency, you can use olive oil, coconut oil, or even Vaseline.

What Do I Do For My Dog’s Paws?

Fido will require frequent pawdicures to prevent his nails from becoming too long. This is much more significant than most people understand. Overgrown claws can be extremely uncomfortable for your canine companion. They will also alter the angle at which your pet’s toes rest on the ground. This can lead to a wide range of issues.

For starters, your dog will have a tougher time finding traction, especially if he is walking or running on slippery terrain. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of your pet slipping and falling, which is something you absolutely do not want.

Overgrown claws might also cause your pet’s weight and/or stride to alter over time. That is also uncomfortable. Furthermore, it might cause or worsen bone/joint problems like arthritis.

Finally, long nails are more likely to be ripped or torn. This can result in uncomfortable (and possibly hazardous) injuries and infections.

How Can I Get My Dog To Accept Having His Claws Clipped?

We’ve discussed why it’s so vital to trim your dog’s nails. If you try to explain this to him, you’ll probably receive a cute head tilt and a puzzled expression. Getting your furry buddy on board may require some patience, pleading, and, well, bribes.

Begin by rubbing Fido’s paws. Give him a delicious treat. You want Fido to believe that allowing you to handle his paws will result in something tasty. Choose something of good quality, such as a bite of steak or some deli meat.

Don’t do anything else at first. Just hold his paws, give him his treat, and let him go. Once he’s acclimated to it, introduce the clippers. Don’t cut immediately. Run them over his feet, making the clippers ‘click’ to get him used to the sound. Offer a reward, a head pat, and a compliment. Keep doing this.

When Fido appears to be getting more relaxed about it, you can begin clipping. Remember, you don’t have to do all four paws at once. You can do one at a time while rotating. This may be more effective if your dog will only sit motionless for a few moments.

If your pet is unwilling to have his feet played with, you can bribe him. You may have seen videos of people using peanut butter and other snacks to distract Fido. If you decide to use peanut butter, be sure it doesn’t contain xylitol, which is hazardous to dogs. Also, use a plate, not your head or the wall!

No matter what you do or what type of clippers you use, keep styptic powder on hand in case there is any bleeding. 

We also recommend that you ask your veterinarian to demonstrate proper practices. This allows you to avoid cutting the quick, which is where your pet’s nerves and blood vessels end.

How Should I Protect My Dog’s Paws?

Simple vigilance is your best option. Keep a close eye on the landscape as you walk your pet. If it’s cold or hot outside, stay on soft grass as much as possible. Keep Fido off scorching surfaces throughout the summer. This is especially true after your pet has been swimming. When dogs’ paws get wet, they become extremely fragile, much like our skin. Fido might quickly get blisters after being in the water.

Should I Put Boots On My Dog?

To be honest, that is all up to Fido. Boots can be an excellent approach to protect your pet’s feet if he is willing to wear them. However, you should avoid forcing it.

How Can I Tell if My Dog’s Paws Are Okay?

It is usually a good idea to conduct routine paw inspections on your pet. Of course, if you notice your dog hobbling or favoring his paws, there may be an issue. Aside from that, make it a practice to double-check everything. This is simple to incorporate into snuggle time or trick training sessions. You should look for bumps, bruises, wounds, ticks, and blisters. Keep a lookout for foreign items, such as ticks, thorns, foxtail grasses, and gum. You can use antiseptic to treat a minor scrape at home, but for anything more serious, consult your veterinarian.

Do I Need To Cut The Fur On My Dog’s Toes?

You might like to. We know how lovely those little tufts are. They can, however, pick up items such as gum or ice balls, resulting in uncomfortable mats. For further information, ask your Pasadena, TX veterinarian.

Make An Appointment At Our Pasadena, TX Pet Hospital

Do you have any queries about care for your dog’s feet? Is Fido due for a visit to our veterinary clinic? Please feel free to call your Pasadena, TX pet hospital at any time!

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